Washing guidance


Remove Solids and Store Nappies

Drop the poo in the loo! If you are using a disposable liner, then this can be removed and thrown away. Alternatively you can use some toilet roll to remove the majority of the mess.

Separate the nappy and liner. Store dirty nappies in a dry bucket or one of our wet bags ready for wash day.

Pre wash nappies

Place the nappies (and bag if using) in the washing machine. We recommend pre washing heavily soiled nappies on a short cold rinse cycle.

No detergent is required at this stage.


Add regular washing detergent. We recommend a non bio detergent. Run a standard wash cycle at 40°C for wet - up to 60°C for soiled.


Hang to dry

Hang to air dry - outside if possible (weather permitting)! Or on clothes airer.

If you happen to have a dehumidifier, these are great for drying nappies particularly in the winter months when drying outside isn’t an option!



Why? The bleaching agents can damage the fabric of the nappy. Whilst fabric conditioner can actually reduce absorbency of the nappy.

The cool pre wash should prevent staining. However if there are any stubborn stains that haven’t shifted in the normal wash, you could try scrubbing the nappy with some washing powder (or specialist detergent such as Napisan) and rewashing.

Alternatively if the sun is shining, hang your nappies outside. The sun is a powerful natural stain remover!